Parish Bus Service Cuts

Ruspidge & Soudley


In light of the recent cuts to bus services in the district and in support of our parishoners, we sent the following letter to Cllr. Philip Robinson, cabinet member for education, skills and transport, requresting he attends a public meeting to be held within the parish. Also the same letter was sent to Mr Mark Harper, MP for the Forest Of Dean requesting his assistance with this matter. We are currently awaiting a reply.

Dear Cllr. Philip Robinson,

I am writing to you regarding the recent cuts to bus services in the Forest of Dean District, in particular residents living in the parish of Ruspidge & Soudley.

At our December parish council meeting, several residents of the parish were in attendance to express their concerns regarding the issues they are now faced with due to the cuts in service and to demand action be taken to remedy this situation. Our clerk has also spoken to several residents of the parish who have expressed their frustration in the face of these cuts.

The most vulnerable residents of our parish are now being particularly isolated and disadvantaged, an example being, the case of an elderly resident in their 80’s now feeling she must walk from Lower Ruspidge into Cinderford and back to get her shopping or to attend health care appointments.

The cut in services is affecting parishioners of all ages and backgrounds, how difficult it is for parishioners who relied on the former service to get into their place of work and back home again and for those who are currently seeking work to attend interviews. The bus services are not only essential to make appointments but for many parishioners’ general wellbeing.

Parishioners are aware of the ‘Robin’ service that has been provided to alleviate the cuts in service, but most of the parishioners spoken to do not believe this service to be satisfactory, nor sufficient.

One of the complaints repeatedly raised by our parishioners, the fact that they were never at any point consulted and the potential impact the cuts would have on their lives ever considered. Our residents have requested a public meeting be called to discuss this issue further and find a potential resolution, ideally the reinstating of the cancelled routes. We would therefore like to enquire as to your availability to attend a public meeting that Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council will arrange.

Your quick response on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


Cllr. Anthony Matthews.

Chairman of the Council.