What your council does:
This list is not exhaustive
- Looks after the interests of the community and its inhabitants.
- Acts as a consultee for planning applications within the parish.
- Contracts the grass cutting within the parish. Other than areas owned by Housing Associations.
- Contracts the Street Cleaning, Road Signs and Bus Shelters cleaning in the two villages.
- Manages and maintains three play areas, including the MUGA see location details below.
- Contracts the installation and emptying of Dog Bins.
- Provides S.133 & S.137 Grants for village halls, churches and local clubs.
- Considers and determines projects funded by S.106.
- Maintains the Blue Rock Trail in partnership with the Forestry Commission. (Look out for the 'Hod Boy' and 'Nearly There' sculptures.)
- Provides large storage Grit Bins (Soudley Hall and Buckshaft Road).
- Supplied and maintains the Cullimore Bridge, Railway Road.
- Produces and delivers a bi-monthly newsletter (Viewpoint).