Seeking Contractors
18 February 2025

Contractor Tender Inquiries

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council operates an equal opportunities policy and welcomes all inquiries from contractors for Parish Maintenance tasks.

If you believe you can be of service, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Clerk on any of the following:

Tel: 01594 825343

Notice of Situation of Polling Stations
10 June 2024
2024 UKGE Situation of polling stations.jpg

Statment of Persons Nominated & Notice of Poll
10 June 2024
2024 Statement of Person Nomination & Notice of Poll.jpg

Election of a Member of Parliament for FoD constituency
10 June 2024
2024 Election Agent Notice.jpg

Exercise Of Public Rights 2023-24
10 June 2024




Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27

The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

Commencing on Monday 17th June 2024 and ending on Friday 26th July 2024

Please refer to the PDF download for further information.

Notice Of Election
04 June 2024

Notice of election UKPGE.jpg

Police & Crime Commissioner Election 2nd May 2024
22 March 2024

Police & Crime Commissioner Election 2nd May 2024

Please refer to the available documents to download for details.

PCC Notice of Election.pdf

Annual Parish Meeting 2024
20 March 2024

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council
Annual Parish Meeting

At Ruspidge Memorial Hall 7pm 14th May 2024

This is a PUBLIC MEETING and all residents of the Parish are invited


1. Acceptance of apologies for absence.

2. ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Nominate and second the candidate, for office of the Chairman.

3. DECLARATION OF OFFICE FORMS– Members to complete and sign Declaration of office forms, to be collected by the Clerk.

4. REGISTER OF INTERESTS FORMS– Members to complete and sign Register of Interest Forms, to be collected by the Clerk.

5. APPOINTMENTS OF THE COUNCIL. Vice Chairman of the Council. Hon Treasurer of the Council. Internal Auditor of the Council.

6. APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COUNCIL. Ruspidge Memorial Hall, Soudley Village Hall, Parish planning considerations & site inspection panel, Parish Snow Wardens, Parish Highways, Wreath laying on Remembrance Day at Cinderford & Soudley.

7. Acceptance of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 9th of May, 2023.

8. To receive the Report of the Chair of the Council.

9. The Financial Report year ending 31st March, 2024.

To consider any other matter for the benefit of the Parish.

Parish Council Members Register of Interest
03 July 2023

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council Members Register of Interest

Please follow the link below to access our member information as posted on the District Council's website.

Casual Vacancy Ruspidge (West)
31 May 2023

Notice is hereby given that due to Resignation of Cllr. Carole Roberts.

A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Ruspidge & Soudley (West).

In accordance with Section 89(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and Rules 5(5) and 5(6) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 as this vacancy has occurred within six months of the ordinary elections to the Parish/Town Council, an election shall not be held to fill the vacancy. The vacancy will therefore be filled at the next ordinary election of councillors to be held on 4 May 2024.

However, the Parish/Town Council may choose to fill the vacancy by co-option for the period until that election. The co-option may take place after fourteen days following the date of this notice

Casual Vacancy Ruspidge (West)
31 May 2023

Notice is hereby given that due to Resignation of Cllr. Gwyn Roberts.

A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Ruspidge & Soudley (West).

In accordance with Section 89(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and Rules 5(5) and 5(6) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 as this vacancy has occurred within six months of the ordinary elections to the Parish/Town Council, an election shall not be held to fill the vacancy. The vacancy will therefore be filled at the next ordinary election of councillors to be held on 4 May 2024.

However, the Parish/Town Council may choose to fill the vacancy by co-option for the period until that election. The co-option may take place after fourteen days following the date of this notice

Notice Of Poll - Ruspidge Ward
24 April 2023

Election of a District Councillor for Ruspidge Ward

Notice is hereby given that a poll for the election of a District Councillor for Ruspidge will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.

For further information please download the document below.

Notice Of Poll - Newnham Ward
24 April 2023

Election of District Councillors for Newnham Ward

Notice is hereby given that a poll for the election of District Councillors for Newnham will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.

For further information please download the document below.

Removal of Recycling Facilities at Soudley Village Hall
20 March 2023

News Update

Removal of Recycling Facilities at
Soudley Village Hall

A few weeks ago it became necessary to remove the recycling facilities located in the carpark of Soudley Village Hall. We understand that some Parishioners have taken issue with this and that this continues to be an issue of contention.

Unfortunately, the removal of the recycling centre was unavoidable for several reasons;

Lower Road Bridge: The underlying structural integrity of the bridge is sound and will last for many years to come, the same cannot be said for the decking however, which is being damaged by the weight of the lorries driving over it to collect the recycling. This type of traffic was not envisaged when the bridge was built in the early 1970’s.

The deck and handrails now need to be replaced and upgraded at a substantial cost. The funds for these works are currently being raised. The removal of the large recycling lorries from using the bridge will help to extend the life of the decking for the immediate future until funds are secured for its replacement.

Fly tipping: The Village Hall Committee has received many complaints from residents of Lower Road regarding vehicles using the car park late into the night for the purpose of fly tipping rubbish and business waste. These vehicles are from outside of the immediate Soudley area and are causing a nuisance to the residents of the area. The mess being left has to be dealt with and this is often being done by the village hall committee members themselves.

Kerbside recycling collection: When the recycling centre was installed, there was no kerbside collection of domestic recycling. All items which were recyclable at the carpark are able to be recycled at the kerbside for collection by Forest of Dean District Council operatives. If you need new or additional bins, bags or boxes for your recycling, please request these at:

It is the responsibility of Forest of Dean District Council to ensure the availability of recycling services. If your recycling is not being collected at the kerbside, or you have any other comments regarding the provision of recycling services in Soudley, please contact FoDCC at:

Casual Vacancy Soudley (East)
30 January 2023


Copy to the Returning Officer PARISH OF Ruspidge & Soudley East WARD.

Notice is hereby given that due to Resignation of Cllr. Mark Ogden.

A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Ruspidge & Soudley (East).

In accordance with Section 89(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and Rules 5(5) and 5(6) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 as this vacancy has occurred within six months of the ordinary elections to the Parish/Town Council, an election shall not be held to fill the vacancy. The vacancy will therefore be filled at the next ordinary election of councillors to be held on 4 May 2023.

However, the Parish/Town Council may choose to fill the vacancy by co-option for the period until that election. The co-option may take place after fourteen days following the date of this notice

30th January 2023

VAS Reports July/Sept 2022
07 October 2022

Speed Watch VAS report from July, through September.

PDF available to download bellow. 

Wyedean Rally
12 September 2022

Wyedean Rally Road & Footpath Closures.

Please refer to the downloadable PDF's.

Soudley Temporary Road Closures Gigaclear works
31 August 2022


The reason for the closures is for Gigaclear Fibre Works. The roads are expected to be closed and restricted during various times on a rolling programme commencing 6 th September 2022 where the presence of approved signage will indicate whether the closures and restrictions are in force. Further advance warnings of dates/times will be displayed on site prior to the closure/restrictions taking effect. This order can permit the closure and restriction of the roads in any order, or simultaneously as required and it is anticipated all works will be completed by 13th June 2023. For further information, please contact Gloucestershire Highways on 08000 514 514 or visit

Casual Vacancy Ruspidge (West)
18 August 2022

PARISH OF Ruspidge & Soudley

 West WARD


Notice is hereby given that due to Resignation of Cllr. Bernadette Wood

A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of

Ruspidge & Soudley (West)

The vacancy will be filled by election if any ten registered local government electors for the said parish ward submit a written request to that effect in the manner prescribed below.

Any request for an election to be held to fill the vacancy must be in writing and must reach the Returning Officer, Forest of Dean District Council, High Street Coleford Glos GL16 8HG within fourteen days following the date of this notice.

If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Dated 19th August 2022

What Does The Local Plan Mean For You?
16 August 2022


Road Closure St Whites - Buckshaft.
11 August 2022


Gloucestershire County Council has made an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) to temporarily close part of 40100 Buckshaft Road from its junction with St Whites Road for a distance of approximately 30 metres back from the said junction.

The reason for the closure is to carry out surfacing works. The road is expected to be closed from the 15th August 2022 until the 26th August 2022 only or until the works have been completed.

For further information, please contact Gloucestershire Highways on 08000 514 514 or visit

Alternative Route – as signed on site.

Emergency and pedestrian access to adjacent properties will be maintained.

Road Closures Soudley
10 August 2022


Please download the avaliable .pdf for details.

Community Speed Watch Group
20 July 2022

The local Police have arranged for Community Speed Watch Area training for Ruspidge & Soudley Parish.

This particular trainning is for specifically Ruspidge Rd.

If you are interested or know anyone else interested in taking part, please contact the Clerk of Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council for further details.

Places are limited to 5 residents please confirm your interest as soon as possible.


Tel: 01594 825 343

Speed Watch Jan - July 2022
22 June 2022
RSPC Speed Watch Jan-March 2022.jpg

Play Rangers Summer Holidays
22 June 2022

Thre Play Rangers are back on Ruspidge recreation ground over the summer holidays.


Gigaclear Soudley
21 June 2022

Gigaclear Working in Soudley.

In the coming weeks, you may start to see Gigaclear’s contractors in the Soudley  Blakeney Hill Community.jpgarea validating their plans.

Validation is when they walk the mapped-out route, identifying details within the plans that may need adjusting to make sure they can build as planned.

Before Gigaclear commence excavations, they will write to all residents included in the build programme informing them of the work taking place and what to expect during this period.

If you have any questions please contact Gigaclear’s dedicated Customer Operations team on the details below.


Phone: 01865 591131

RSPC Exercise Of Public Rights 2022
15 June 2022

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights.

1. Date of announcement Wednesday 15th June 20222

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31 March 2022, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:

Roland Dowding, Clerk to the Council & RFO.

Rheola House, Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford, Glos. GL14 2AB

Tel: 01594 825 343


commencing on Thursday 16th June 2022

and ending on Wednesday 27th July 2022

3. Local government electors and their representatives also have:

· The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and

· The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. The appointed auditor is:

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team)

15 Westferry Circus

Canary Wharf

London E14 4HD


5. This announcement is made by Roland Dowding Clerk & RFO to RSPC

Play Ranger at Ruspidge Recreational ground
31 May 2022

Notice of Review of Polling District, Places and Stations
23 May 2022

I hereby give notice that Forest of Dean District Council will conduct a review of polling districts, places and stations in the local authority area. The review will commence on 23 May 2022 and will be completed in sufficient time to enable the Electoral Registration Officer to make any alterations necessary to the register of electors when it is fully revised on 1 December 2022. Electors, community groups, political parties, elected representatives or any other interested persons living within the Forest of Dean District Council area are invited to make representations, comments or suggestions on any aspect of the polling districts, places or stations currently used. Representations will be sought from The (Acting) Returning Officer (ARO) and his comments will be published. Interactive map of the current polling districts and polling stations can be inspected on the Council’s website or viewed in person by contacting the office to make an appointment. Representations on the existing arrangements should be made in writing to the address below, by email to or web form by no later than Monday 4 July 2022 When making representations, it would be helpful to the Council for any proposals to include alternative polling places or stations. All representations made throughout the consultation will be published along with the conclusion of the review. Dated 23 May 2022

Andrew Knott

Electoral Registration Officer Helpline: 01594 812638

Electoral Services Forest of Dean District Council

High Street Coleford Glos GL16 8HG

Ruspidge Road Closure Notification
19 April 2022

Temporary Traffic Order to close the road for carriageway resurfacing

3/354 Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge.

For approximately 6 Days (excl. weekends) between the hours of 09:30 to 15:30

The PLANNED start and end dates are currently Tuesday 3rd May to Tuesday 10th May, however keep an eye on the web page detailed below or the signs on site for any short notice changes.

Our resurfacing programme is dependent on several factors. It can be affected by things like; heavy rain, changes in temperatures and other weather events as well as plant breakdown and unforeseen technical issues that arise once work has begun. All this means scheme dates and details can change at short notice. We appreciate this is inconvenient, and we will keep our online schedule and our social media feeds updated with more details if changes happen.

Find the most up to date scheme start and end dates and more information about this scheme via our:

- Website –

- Signs in the area

You can also check for any updates on our website or our social media platforms.

- - Facebook – Gloucestershire Roads -

- Twitter - @GlosRoads

If you do not have access to the internet or social media you may wish to ask friends or neighbours to help you access our website. If you know of neighbours who cannot access our website, please share this information with them.

ROAD CLOSURE We will be resurfacing the road at the above location as part of our promise to invest a further £100 million in the county’s roads. To ensure the safety of you and our work force we have, under Sections 14, 15 & 16 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended, made a Temporary Traffic Order to close the road. Due to the type of engineering activities required with carriageway resurfacing, the road closure can cover an area greater than the area being resurfaced. This is to allow activities, such as movement and placement of machinery and material. We appreciate road closures are inconvenient, but in order to keep you and the team working on the road safe it is necessary. We have planned the work so we can be in and out as quickly as possible and have tried to do it at a time that will minimise any inconvenience. 

ACCESS In accordance with the Temporary Traffic Order, we are not permitted to allow any person or vehicle to proceed along the closed roads; with the exception of pedestrian access to properties, emergency vehicles, and statutory undertakers responding to an emergency situation. Therefore, if you normally drive into or out of this area during the hours when the road closure is in place, we ask you to please make alternative arrangements. In exceptional circumstances, some level of access may be considered. This will be on a case by case basis and only where it doesn’t impact on our ability to carry out the work and where it is safe to do so. Any access during this time would be at the drivers own risk as it is a works site and may have raised iron works or a temporary surface.

DIVERSIONS We have created an official diversion route which will be signposted and is suitable for all vehicles that would normally use the closed road. We appreciate you may know an alternative route, however please be aware alternative routes which are outside of the road closure area are used at driver’s discretion. Contact Us - Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation. If you have any queries please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions leaflet delivered with this letter, visit our web site Or email us at Below is a map showing the extents of the road closure.

Chairman's Annual Report April 2022
14 April 2022

Chairman’s Report

April 2021 – March 2022


Play area refurbishment completed. Levelling up fund launched. Annual grant for St John’s grass cutting. Clerk resigns. Work on old St Whites school in breach of conditions. Ongoing campaign.


Complaints of glass etc at MUGA. Progress on rebuilding Hod Boy. Search for new clerk. Believe Beki Hoyland our new County Councillor, Nicky Packer District for Soudley. 1 contentious planning, parking issues Ruspidge Road.


Forest Lodge application objected to by all. Also greenfield site Soudley. New Clerk!


Agreed to new memorial bench Ruspidge.


Rave prevented Blue Rock Trail. Door to tunnel taken off. Work started on Buckshaft Road junction widening.


Busy month including, VAS maintenance, grant for Soudley fireworks, possible demise of Viewpoint, AGAR a nightmare for our new clerk. Covid recovery grants, flooding in Ruspidge Road, Hod Boy done, discussions on Jubilee tree, nuisance issues Ruspidge football field, young girl struck by car St Whites Road leading to campaign for crossing. Cullimore Bridge repair and heritage works Blue Rock trail.


Grit bin replacements, grant application for Soudley football club, representation asked for. How to pay for labour for Hod Boy with no invoice. No more Viewpoints sadly. New snow wardens. Buckshaft junction complete but is it to spec?


Draft budget started. Welcome back Bernie Wood! AGAR done, well done Roland. County gets us funding for Hod Boy materials, thank you very much. Mixed messages regarding possible change of use Ruspidge football field. Leaking roof Soudley hall, luckily repairable in the short term. Application to tidy up redundant toilets Ruspidge Road, ultimately refused though not by us. Suggestions on 20mph limits not endorsed. Vice Chair sadly resigns, Jo Smith voted in as replacement. Warning of email scam purporting to be from chairman but not his address. RWT accounts being done.


Nest swing rears it’s ugly head yet again, but vice chair is on the case. Roland offered and accepted permanent post, much relief all round. Do we change use of football field to allotments? Possible users the Pumas step into the fray and given to end Jan to come up with a plan. Mark Ogden looks to get help with deeds to see what we are responsible for and what we can do with it. Grant to Soudley Football Club declined in favour of paying hall direct.


2 New councillors! Almost up to full strength. Welcome Gwyn and Carole. Forest Lodge planning again, slight revision but still unacceptable to all concerned. Application for mast at Soudley, scant on detail, still ongoing with mixed response from residents. Certain Ruspidge residents have slow broadband. District and County reps to do what they can. Pumas decline football pitch Ruspidge, so back to drawing board without a clear idea of what we can or cannot do.


Assets register provided. New plan for play area inspections considered and later adopted. New notice board for Ruspidge. Our VAT refunded, grant for Heart of Forest discussed and approved. Offered the takeover of VAS on St Whites, declined. Bill Acland returns!


Site inspection Kitchen at old school. We felt that it was virtually already a done deal despite objections from all of us. Approval posted within a week. Issues of mud and damage on Blue Rock Trail discussed and fencing resolved plus clearing mud down to stone decided. Council agreed to grant each hall £250 to help with Jubilee parties being organised by their committees. New Soudley notice board ordered.

My thanks to all members and Roland for their continued support.

Tony Matthews


Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council

11 April 2022


Gloucestershire County Council has by this notice closed temporarily under Sections 14, 15 and 16 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) part of Z4234 Tramway Road from its junction with Morgans Way to its junction with Ruspidge Road for a distance of approximately 80 metres.

The reason for the closure is to repair a significant water leak.

This Notice comes into force on the 8 th April 2022 and will continue for up to 5 days. However, if the works to remedy the problem have not been completed during this time scale it will be necessary to make an Order. This legal Order will authorise the closure of the Road for up to eighteen months from the date of this Notice. Pedestrian access and emergency access will be maintained at all times.

Easter Holiday Play Day
24 March 2022

Possible Telecoms Installation Soudley
15 February 2022


Possibility of siting a telecommunication installation on land adjacent to the village hall in Soudley

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council would like to hear opinions from the residents of Soudley, in reference to the possibility of siting a telecommunication installation on land adjacent to the village hall in Soudley, E365769 N210347.


The proposed installation would provide a 4G service, either be a slimline lattice, or monopole at a height of 17.5m, with approximately 3no ground based cabinets contained within a secure compound.

If you would like to make your voice and opinion on this matter heard, please can you contact the office of Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council email:

February Play Day
03 February 2022

Play Gloucestershire's play rangers are back at Ruspidge recreational ground for February half term.

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

10am - 4pm

With thanks to Councillor Graham Morgan who funded this through his Growing Communities Fund.

Fibre Broadband Coming To Ruspidge
26 January 2022

In April 2021, Forest Economic Partnership signed a contract with Fastershire on behalf of the Cinderford Community to enable fibre broadband to be installed in over 500 properties across the town. These homes and businesses remain with poor broadband capability despite the widespread availability of fibre to the cabinet in the town.

Full Fibre Ltd were selected as the successful supplier and will use the project to extend their fibre services to nearly 4,000 other properties in the town commercially. These additional properties include the entirety of Ruspidge.

The build is currently underway and is expected to be completed by May 22.

The following link gives information of the build and opportunities for residents to sign up for build updates.

Also, please check your postcodes on the Fastershire website as some of the properties may already be enables for superfast broadband with other commercial providers.

You may need to change your package or provider to enable it.

Public Consultation
03 December 2021

Change of use, Football field in lower Ruspidge.

Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council would like to hear your views on a proposed change of use for the Football field in lower Ruspidge. The Parish Council are currently looking into the possibility of an allotments scheme for individual, non-commercial gardening, or growing food plants. Perhaps the possibility of community gardens along side the allotments scheme. We would like to hear any of your views, suggestions and welcome involvement from the local community, whom this proposed project is intended to serve. Please feel free to contact the clerk of Ruspidge & Soudley parish Council.

The Clerk RSPC, Rheola House, Belle Vue Centre, Cinderford. GL14 2AB 


Tel: 01594 825 343

Volunteer News Letter Editor Needed
10 November 2021

Viewpoint Newsletter

Voluntary Editor Required for Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council Newsletter.

Can you spare a few hours a month to be the new editor and point of contact for the Viewpoint, our bi-monthly newsletter?

Do you have internet access, your own computer and some previous experience of writing and putting together a newsletter?

Would you welcome a new challenge and a chance to learn some new skills?

If so, you would be doing the community of Ruspidge and Soudley a great service. The Viewpoint newsletter has been keeping its readers informed of local news and events since 1991.

Any interested parties who would like further information; please feel free to contact the clerk of Ruspidge and Soudley parish council on either of the contact details below.

Kind regards

Roland Dowding

Clerk to the council.


Tel: 01594 825 343

Office hours are 09:00 – 13:00 Monday - Friday

The Young Listeners project
20 May 2021
Mens Shed Appeal
16 May 2021

Forest of Dean & Wye Valley Men's Shed CIC

28 April 2021

Hello All.

We are a voluntary community group providing a social environment for wellbeing through shared creativity, in the Forest of Dean. We are a Community Interest Company.

We are looking for any potential site for development, conversion or refurbishment, ideally in the Parishes of West Dean, Coleford, Cinderford or Ruspidge & Soudley. We have been unsuccessful so far in finding a suitable building in the area and desperately need your help, to help others in need.

We have been operating out of a member's workshop, with limited capacity, for the past three years made good contacts and are now supporting the health service and other local community groups, as well as our members. However there many more people in this area who would benefit from this service, but we at capacity as we can only open one day a week.

We are members of the UK Men's Sheds Association, but we are fully inclusive, welcome all ages, men and women. We support primarily older, retired, isolated individuals, providing a safe, supportive, and friendly setting where they can socialise, learn new skills, and hone existing ones. Through the creation, upkeep and development of facilities men and women can now meet and jointly or individually undertake creative, physical and recreational activities of their choice and projects that support the community.

We also run activities off-site, offering hands-on experience to the public, and have supported other venues such as The Orchard Trust, Dean Heritage Centre, Festival Showcase, and Ross Hedgehog Festival. Our community work has included making raised flower beds for Cafe31, bench refurbishment for churches and gardens, school outside play areas, noticeboards for village centres and community halls.

We believe the participants in the Shed will benefit from improved self-esteem from using their skills for constructive purposes, have the opportunity to learn new skills and practice old ones, and have a place to go to spend time with people of similar interests, help them overcome isolation by getting out of the house and improve their social interaction, and enjoy an active healthy retirement.

We would also welcome a non-Executive Director to our Board. Please have a look at our website to see the full range of our activities and our success so far.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Jane Trout (Secretary)

Member of The Dementia Action Alliance & UKMSA

Runner up 'Shed of the Year' in our first operating year

GloW partner - Committed to 'Positive actions for better mental healtW

Camellia Cottage Charleswood Road Whitecroft Gloucestershire GL15 4QH 01594 780170

Parish Council - Chairman's Annual Report
08 May 2021

Chair's Report

April 2020 – March 2021

Thanks to all the councillors for their contribution to Ruspidge & Soudley over the last year plus an a thank you for our Parish Clerk who hopefully endeavours to make our life easier.

The main points (you may disagree with my choice) that I have picked out are as follows:-

April Nothing of note to report!

May Due to Covid requirements the Chair remains in situ. Plus no Annual Parish meeting held. £17 million of grants allocated to local business from District. Recycling centres re-opened but appointment only. Internal audit signed off with no irregularities been found.

June Oak Quarry re-opened, online booking required. Suspended ceiling at Soudley village hall given the go ahead, funding initially by us then the county with our funds coming back to our coffers.

July Grants were approved to Soudley football and SARA. Play areas to be visited to establish priority works. Complaints ref. Sheep grazing in Soudley – passed to the Street Warden to investigate.

August No meeting.

September First face to face meeting for some time at Ruspidge hall. Leisure centres now open. St Whites ongoing – junction still a bottleneck.

VAS maintenance contract to be reviewed. Play area sub-committee

formed to organise necessary works.

October VAS maintenance contract renewed. Council asked to see if we have available sites for allotments (District request). New website approved reference quote from TEEC Ltd. (Councillor Richardson to lead).

November Leisure centres once more in lockdown. St. Wardens are dealing with the sheep badgers to resolve the Soudley sheep problem. Number of free school meals for half term was 5,600 (County). Draft budget produced for 2021/2022 for consideration. On the play areas,

three quotes received and the sub-committee will determine the way forward. New website to have new domain name- ruspidgesoudley-

December Contractors at St. Whites reminded by letter from the District of their obligations as problems still exist on Buckshaft Road. Budget – council resolved that we request £49 020.00 for 2021/2022 precept. New website should be live from 11/12/20.

January Back to remote again----boring!!!!!

All quiet on the eastern front.

February Soudley bridge closed due to debris build up in the brook. Council approved Greenfields Ltd. To carry out the works in our three park areas. Council refused a grant request from Ruspidge Hall for disabled access – they have enough funds to cover this themselves.

March District agreed their budget and as a result, council tax is £5 per annum for Band D properties. According to County, 500,000 tonnes of tarmac have been used on county roads with 130,000 potholes filled. (not sure where!) Council approved to place order with Greenfields for replacement chains and seat at Ruspidge.

With regard to our play areas I believe that the refurbishment has now been virtually completed and it's a matter of now settling up the bill from S106 monies. Will keep you all updated on this process – we might hear something Friday as there is an actual meeting being held at District.

Planning applications for the above period I made as 36 received.

Any questions/queries, do not hesitate to contact me.

Bill Acland - Chair

A Guide to Universal Credit
05 May 2021

Universal Credit

Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are currently claiming Universal Credit. Many of them are new to claiming Universal Credit having been negatively impacted by Coronavirus.

JobCentre Near Me has provided a guide to Universal Credit which you can access via this link;

Community Appeal from Mens Shed CIC
30 April 2021
New Planning Applications Search Facility
28 April 2021

We have just added a new feature to our website. The Planning Applications facility now offers a simpler and more intuative way for Parishoners wishing to view current and past planning applications. To access it click on Parish Council tab and select Planning Applications.

New Soudley Allotments
18 March 2021

Soudley Community Allotments Project

Soudley community allotments are now available creating a lovely community space for all to enjoy. They are situated behind the Soudley village hall oldtennis courts. All villagers are welcome to apply.

If you are interested, please contact Nick or Kay on 01594 825932

Waterside Living
01 February 2020

Advice & Ideas for those living near Watercourses. Particularly relevant to Soudley residents.

01 January 2020

Do you have difficulty reading and writing? Are you over 18? Would you like one to one support? 

There is FREE HELP AVAILABLE, for further details click on links below.

Forest Lottery
Boar - FC Advice Poster
01 January 8

boar poster header

Do not disturb the feral wild boar